
Intermediate/ High – The Mozart Effecr

The Mozart Effect

Does listening to music, especially to classical music, like Mozart, have the ability to make us more intelligent? A study, coined as The Mozart Effect, has concluded so.

Watch the video about The Mozart Effect and answer the questions:

– The experiment divided people into three groups. What were they?

Group 1:

Group 2:

Group 3:

– People did three different exercises: one measuring agility (by holding a falling ruler), one checking memory (by memorizing different random objects on a table) and one checking their spacial-temporal reasoning (by setting a tangram). How did the groups do?

Group 1:  Before entering the capsule

                After entering the capsule

Group 2: Before entering the capsule

                After entering the capsule

Group 3: Before entering the capsule

                After entering the capsule

– What conclusion has the experiment led to?

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